My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Author Archive

February 25th, 2009

Free Cheat Sheets
Whether you are looking for help with Python, Subversion, CSS or even WoW, Dave Child, has the the cheat sheet for you. Over 20 different cheat sheets for your viewing pleasure. Available in both PDF and PNG formats. Enjoy!

Almost forgot this one:
The Web Developer’s SEO Cheat Sheet

Fix Burn in on 24″ iMac

February 23rd, 2009

I stepped away from my computer at lunch, for about an hour, not thinking that I was going to come back to ghosted/burned in images on my screen.

Apparently this is somewhat common when the brightness is set high and an image is static for a long period of time.

Technically the image isn’t “burned in”, but just that

the liquid crystals sort of “set up” in a pattern when they are exposed to a constant charge to orient them a particular way (e.g. to change them to a particular value). Basically, the molecules stack together like pick-up sticks.

I found a couple of links along with a little app to help clean it up:

Apple Support Link

Avoiding image persistence on Apple LCD Displays

smcFanControl 2.1

So if you are having this problem as well, I suggest checking your brightness level and download smcFanControl. Worked great for me to clear up this issue. I am also making sure my screensaver is set as well as power saving settings for the lcd.