My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Category: Design

Google Themes

March 21st, 2007

If your like my wife, your not so into the plain vanilla look of your personalized Google homepage. Well fret no more, Google just released some spiffy little “themes” to beautify your Google.

Google Themes

You get six themes to choose from beside the original plain.

Different Themes

You can also enter your locale and the image will change depending on the time of day and weather.

This seems like a big departure from Google’s “Keep It Simple” mantra. As with everything, some will like it and some won’t. What do you think?

I’ve been Joost!

March 2nd, 2007

Got my beta invite for Joost today. All I can say is WOW! Really not what I was expecting, really blew me away.


What is Joost, you ask?

Well, to quote the Joost website:

Joostâ„¢ is a new way of watching TV on the internet, which uses new and established technologies to provide the best of both the internet and TV worlds. We’re in the process of making it as TV-like as we can, with programmes, channels and adverts. You can also see some things that we think will enhance the TV experience: searching for programmes and channels, for example, as well as social features like chat.

Picture is really crisp, streaming is awesome. Sat and watched several things this morning and was left utterly speechless.


There are a lot of channels to choose from, and this being beta, I was surprised that the quality and quantity of programming is so great.

Joost Channels

Joost Library

I should be receiving some ‘tokens’ to give some others a taste of Joost. So if you ask really nice, when I receive them, you just may get lucky.