My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Category: Mac

Fix Burn in on 24″ iMac

February 23rd, 2009

I stepped away from my computer at lunch, for about an hour, not thinking that I was going to come back to ghosted/burned in images on my screen.

Apparently this is somewhat common when the brightness is set high and an image is static for a long period of time.

Technically the image isn’t “burned in”, but just that

the liquid crystals sort of “set up” in a pattern when they are exposed to a constant charge to orient them a particular way (e.g. to change them to a particular value). Basically, the molecules stack together like pick-up sticks.

I found a couple of links along with a little app to help clean it up:

Apple Support Link

Avoiding image persistence on Apple LCD Displays

smcFanControl 2.1

So if you are having this problem as well, I suggest checking your brightness level and download smcFanControl. Worked great for me to clear up this issue. I am also making sure my screensaver is set as well as power saving settings for the lcd.

February 17th, 2009

Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts
A friend asked me about keyboard shortcuts for his newly acquired MacBook. I also sent him this link: Special Characters on a Macintosh, for special character keystrokes. Enjoy!